The Trinity Constellation connection for December 2020 is the Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn aligned with Earth now in her 5-dimension home.
Many Cosmic alignments all came together in 2020 leading to its high point on 21 December 2020. A door of Cosmic energies converging on this timeline entered Earth’s Solar Plexus Centre, Uluru in Australia stimulating her with Cosmic Feminine Light powering the transformation of her 3D body to 5-6D Ethereal Light Rainbow Body that anchored the Golden Age of Light.
The December Trinity Full Moon connection now brings a closure to 2020 an apocalyptic and phenomenal year of global crises, destruction, revelation and transformation. A year that has birth the Aquarian Age of Light relating humanity and Earth on a Spiritual heart connection opening a door of new beginning on an Ascension Path to Self mindfulness exercises. This year has turned the outward flowing seeking attention of humanity inward to its Source and now the home journey begins.
The partnership of Cancer and Capricorn at their highest attainment produces spiritual growth and awareness that led to the Ascension and initiation of the seeker on the path into its true nature of Spirit. Cancer is the door into human life and connection to the collective whole on an Earthly level that will rise to its high mark as it leads to the door of spiritual life and loving unity within the whole. Capricorn is the door into human life at its most concrete as it loses itself in the amassing of materialism and wealth then rises to its high mark in amassing spiritual knowledge that opens the door of initiation into Spiritual life and connection to its universal wealth within. This connection to inner spiritual wealth enriches the outer world in service. This year has brought the spiritual serving element of these constellations into manifestation in humanity.
In 2020 these two signs opened doors of initiation for Earth and humanity as they brought a crises year to end with a graduation of Ascension on 21 December for humanity into their new Earth and home. Through Cancer humanity rose from its emotional fear reactive watery world to initiating the higher purpose of Cancer as the compassionate loving caring Spiritual Soul in service of the greater good for others. In Capricorn humanity initiated into the higher purpose of the Goat as it took the inner path to Self in realising its Divine nature is Spirit as it entered Soulful understanding. Through these two doors we have entered the Aquarian Age of Light as these signs refined our human emotional and mental negative nature to Spiritual awareness, understanding and connectivity in loving relationships on a universal level. These signs and the crises of 2020 played a pivotal part on the maturing of humanity to tread the path of Spirit. The transformation that has occurred is still crystalising and unsettling for those who have not had time to adjust and understand the significance of the blessings of this year. But as we move into 2021 the new vibrations, rhythms, sounds, colours, qualities and order of the Age of Light will strengthen and create new infrastructures and processes that will create a new state of living and relating to life.
When change of this magnitude occurs slow down and learn to flow with the current allowing you time to ease into the new flow and understand its new heart and consciousness. This eases that feeling of disorientation and uncertainty. Just Be, you are loved, cared and protected always and this your heart knows so trust in that knowing, that is your consciousness’s true nature, it just knows.
Lets co-create together our New World with loving compassionate and conscious thoughts and feelings that align with our new Earth environment of Light.
Copyright – Iva Parker-Puie