The combination of the Magnetic Leo ruled by the Sun and the Higher Intelligence of Aquarius ruled by Uranus is a very powerful connection that would create a spontaneous upliftment of conscious evolution purified by Fire the element of Leo and the higher consciousness of Aquarius purified by Air. In the right time and place and depending on the evolution of any race this powerful polar combination could lead to an evolving Quantum Leap and that is what is occurring in this life time and why it is known as the Golden Age.
The astrological symbol of Aquarius is the Water Bearer and the water it pours is the symbol of spiritual knowledge and wisdom it pours into the minds of mankind. Aquarius is an Air element that is associated with higher intellect, spiritual awareness and all higher cognitive qualities of an evolved mind that is logic, rational, reasoning, realistic and practical. It stimulates the flow of new ideas and the joy of exploring new concepts beyond what is known.
Aquarius the 11th House of the 12 Astrological Houses is the New Astrological Zodiac Cycle Earth has now entered in our time. This ends the 2,100 year Cycle of the Piscean Age the 12th House and its watery element of emotion that coloured the rhythm, infrastructure, mentality, structure, order and purpose of that Era.
The Aquarian Age is known as the Golden Age of Light and its Air element it sets a new rhythm and order developing the higher spiritual consciousness and Self awareness of the race. The highmark of the Aquarian Age is collective conscious orientated as opposed to the individualistic mentality of the Piscean Age. Under this Air sign a new Soul conscious race will rise as it moves the focus of mind from external to internal reconnecting its focus to the Infinite Source of its origin its true identity.
Leo is symbolised by the powerful magnetic, energetic, courageous Lion with a warm all embracing heart. Leos are natural born leaders and on a spiritual level is the symbol of the rising Soul out of the sleep of human identity. It is in Leo man undergoes initiation as it wakes up to its true identity as Soul it is in Leo the awaken Soul treads the Path of initiation and Return to Source.
These two signs are showing us what we are developing as a collective consciousness that is becoming Soul orientated, aware and evolved. We are developing the powerful leadership, protective ,warm and loving nature of the Lion ruled by the Sun, the life giving energy of our Solar System. In the Age of Light we are evolving more spiritually conscious with less identity with outer life, conditions and limitations and more internal focus as we explore our real multi-dimension worlds within knowing this is the source of all outer experiences. We can expect more stability in our lives as the over emotional reactive nature of the watery Piscean Age is rationalised and calmed by the evolved conscious mind now syncing into the Aquarian qualities of clear thinking and reasoning.
As these qualities and states of Soul conscious awareness develop this year they will definitely shift, change and evolve a new environment on our Earth as the shift of the collective consciousness now rising will affect all areas of outer life changing everything to the new mentality and open heart connection. Our thoughts create our reality so it will be a very interesting year ahead.