"Your Vibe attracts your Tribe"
The Group
“Be the change you want to see in the World” by Mahatma Gandhi expresses the Monad Centre's purpose in its simplicity. The Centre is an externalization of a life mission of the Co-Founder's Iva and Neil Parker-Puie. As mature practitioners and students of evolving consciousness in their autumn years they have created the Monad Centre, a Light House to share knowledge, new ideas and life skills for the healing and evolving of an enlightened humanity.
"The marriage of human and spiritual psychology is the new consciousness and the next level of evolution to evolve a new species of humanity spiritual in origin" Nothing new is born from current thinking. We must reach to a new platform of consciousness to bring forth new levels of awareness to affect change in the outer world from within ourselves" - Iva Parker-Puie
The Monad Centre opened its doors to serve its community with holistic healing, natural medicine, meditation and mindfulness classes and personal and spiritual evolving retreats and workshops. Under this umbrella a number of facilitators and practitioners offer a variety of alternative services for well-being. Go to Timetable to view classes, workshops and retreats on offer.
Iva Parker-Puie - Co-Founder of the Monad Centre of Balance
Government Accredited Certified Practitioner in Holistic Counselling Mind Body Medicine, Soul Mentor and Specialist in Flower Essence Diagnostic Therapy; Meditation Teacher; Associate Certified Pranic and Reiki Healer; Peter Hess-Sound Massage Therapist and Facilitator of Group Meditations, Personal and Spiritual Evolving Events
My love of alternative therapy and natural medicine is in my genes being the conventional medicine of Samoa my birthplace. I grew up learning bush medicine from my great Aunt Lesa the last medicine woman of my village. I am continuing this ancient art of natural medicine integrating life experience, knowledge and techniques of my spiritual practice and qualification in complementary modalities outlined below. The uniqueness of my humanity service through the Monad Centre is an externalization of all my spiritual learning and expansion I have embodied in the experience of human living.
I acquired qualifications in various fields of modalities natural to my lifestyle and passion for alternative medicine to have a variety of healing processes, methods and techniques that I now integrate in various combination tailored to individual needs. I am a government certified Holistic Counsellor specialising in Mind Body Medicine and Flower Essence Diagnostic Therapy. As a Holistic Healer I believe another level of education is required that focuses on an understanding of our human and divine nature. This learning combined with academic qualification provides a deeper insightful approach to healing enabling a therapist to facilitate holistic healing addressing causes and effects of ailment beyond the mind to the expansion of self and spiritual awareness central to wellness. I am also certified as Peter Hess Sound Massage and Sound Meditation Therapist, Associate Diploma in Pranic Healing, Certified in Reiki, Certified in Flower Essence Therapy and Facilitator of Meditation and Mindfulness Classes. To add depth and holism to my formal qualifications I draw on over 40 years of spiritual knowledge, experience, life skills and a natural discipline of meditation and mindfulness gathered on my inner journey of “Self Realisation”. My key strengths and life-long passion is studies of the Psychology of the Self, a field of personal inner studies and development I have dedicated this life to at a very early age as I knew this my Soul purpose. Self and Spiritual awareness is the cornerstone to alternative healing, meditation, personal and spiritual development activities provided at the Monad Centre.
My professional career spans over 25 years in government in administrative and office management roles assisting heads of departments and senior officers in the daily coordination of information and workflow in their offices. These roles were the training ground to honing my practical experience of Counselling, Soul Psychology and listening skills as people seemed to always gather in my office seeking advice from professional, personal to spiritual matters. I learned invaluable life skills and the joy of working with others building meaningful heart felt relationships.
To make the transition to pursue my passion in making a difference in the field of Complementary Therapy, I acquired formal qualifications to integrate with my life experiences, skills and knowledge: Government accredited qualifications in Holistic Counselling & Mind Body Medicine, Therapeutic Massage, Specialist in Flower Essence Diagnostic Therapy from the Life Academy of Australia. Associate Certified Pranic Healer from the Institute of Inner Studies Inc; Peter Hess Sound Massage and Meditation Therapy; Certification in Relationship & Conflict Resolution, Abuse and Abuse Trauma from the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors; Facilitator of Meditation and self development activities, Senior First Aid Certificate, Mental Health First Aid Certificate and Diploma of Business, Administration & Office Systems, TAFE.
I an a registered Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher with the . A registered Holistic Therapist with the International Institute for Complementary Therapist.
To book into meditations Neil and I facilitate click Shop. To learn more about the modalities I offer go to this link Holistic Healing to book a therapy with Iva click Holistic Therapy.
Neil Parker-Puie - Co-Founder of the Monad Centre of Balance
Associate Certified Pranic Healer; Facilitator of Group Meditations and Personal and Spiritual Evolving Events
My interest in complementary therapy and natural medicine came about when my wife needed a body to practice on whilst completing her qualifications. The experience inspired me to complete my own accredited qualification as a Therapeutic Massage Therapist specialising in flower essence therapy and acu-point treatments. This complemented my background in Sports Training. Massage was a main preventative therapy I included in my hectic sports routine and for most part it did the job of alleviating aches and pains, but the inclusion of flower essences takes this bodywork therapy to a whole new level. The essence not only relieves the symptoms very quickly but they also have a balancing effect on the mind-body system. The feedback from those I had treated during 12 months of clinics along with families, friends and work colleagues have been inspiring and positive.
In my personal life I enjoy group meditation and esoteric studies with like minded people that provide the grounding and balancing aspect of my life. I am a member of a Meditation Centre and a global Oneness movement focused on the awakening of humanity to their Divine potential. While I have discovered these activities through my wife it is an area in which I share her passion and joy wholeheartedly. It has evolved my own spiritual awareness to a deeper understanding of my nature and using the power of the mind to create the realities that support wellbeing.
I see the Monad Centre as an opportunity to consolidate my many and varied life experiences and life skills especially in health and fitness to help others. My formal qualifications that support the therapies I provide are: Government accredited qualification from Life Academy in Therapeutic Massage, specialising in Flower Essence therapy; Associate Certified Pranic Healer qualification from the Institute of Inner Studies Inc; Sports Trainer from the Australian Sports Medicine Federation, Senior First Aid Certificate and Mental Health First Aid Certificate.
To book into meditations and events we facilitate click Shop