We are seeing and experiencing a global move towards a new psychology that is spiritual in nature, as we intuitively sense that as a race this is where we need to elevate our consciousness to access the wholeness of our spiritual awareness to transform ourselves internally. Literature, philosophies and the world wide web is populated with this ancient wisdom of seeking self awareness, self empowerment, self mastery through ancient practices such as meditation and mindfulness, mind body medicine and the re-enlivening of ancient teachings through the sharing of life experiences of those who have taken the inner journey of transformation. This in turn has given life to a new wave of workshops, health and wellness retreats, forums, natural therapies gradually crossing over to mainstream thinking, all focused on internal transformation through creating awareness of how thinking, habits, beliefs and views affect our very lives and the outer world.
Knowledge is power. Those who succeed in life succeed because they are active in feeding and strengthening their mental abilities with new ideas, knowledge and skills. They recognise that their success is determine by how well they stock their mind with fresh ideas and healthy habits. They surround themselves with people that reflect back that which they seek to be or are, so the vibration of what they seek to experience is continually strengthened. Their lives are aligned with universal laws that govern all levels of existence and in so doing their lives reflect the richness of that harmony.
Nothing new comes from your current way of thinking. It can only create that which you are currently experiencing. Have you tried to change your life but keep experiencing the same outcomes? This is because your current thinking and habits will continue to attract the same people, circumstances and experiences because nothing has changed in your vibration. Under the Law of Attraction your thoughts and habits create a vibration drawing life experiences vibrating to your frequencies. To create anything new you must open your awareness to new ways of thinking, seeing and being that will set a new vibration creating a new you with the flow on effect of a new life.
The 6 Series of Self Empowerment Program we have mindfully put together, drawn from our own life experiences on that “Inner Journey”, is for the purpose of putting right this fundamental relationship with ourselves so the vibration of our inner life seamlessly flows into our outer life as one mirror’s the other.
Related Tag: Meditation Classes Joondalup