Divine Energy Group Healing
Love is the Elixir of Health, Wealth and Happiness
What is Divine Energy Group Healing Therapy?
Welcome to the Divine Energy Group Healing Therapy.
In the Divine Energy Group Healing the coming together of the community and Healers for the purpose of healing opens the heart to the Loving Grace of all Healing. In the Aquarian Age group energy is the new power to effect change, healing and evolving into any area of life. It is an age of collaboration, working together, sharing resources and pooling our unique gifts to generate new power centres to grow, elevate and expand.
This is the new healing of the 5 Dimension Aquarian Age that is collective moving us through working in isolation. We are excited to be opening this new door to healing in the vibration of a loving heart soul connection. The Group Healing provides community support through group sharing breaking down the walls of isolation and disconnection in our community. The sacred space that opens to hold all in this Grace of energy healing creates a healing space for people to share their stories or just sit and feel the support of all who are present. The Oneness that resonates at these healing events is a very powerful healing experience as it just brings people back to that wholeness inside themselves.
If you have found this page we are glad and grateful our ripples have found each other. Drop in and try a healing with liked minded people and Loving Heart Mindful Healers.
What to expect at these Healing
- The healing combines Pranic hands off Healing in the Energy Body and Chakra Centres
- Reiki hands on healing touching the body grounds energy into the physical layer
- A blend of flower essence for de-stressing the mind, relaxing the body, releasing emotion
A flower essence for grounding and integrating all layers of energy on the mental, emotion, physical, energy and Soul level
- Soft music or sound instrument to move the flow of energy
- Invocation of Blessing for the group of Divine Grace for healing
- Gratitude for the Blessing at the End for the Group Healing by the Healer
Schedule and what to bring
- Group healings will be offered every fortnight from 11.30 - 12.45 pm Saturdays
- Healing will run approximately for one hour with 15 minutes for group sharing after sessions
- Meditation Mats and Chairs are available for your choice of lying down or sitting
- Bring a Yoga Mat, pillow, eye pillow, throw-rug, sox if you wish and water bottle
To book go to : Divine Energy Group Healing
What to bring?
- Group healings are offered Saturdays fortnightly from 11.30-12.45pm.
- Please bring a throw-rug, sox and water bottle.
- Eye pillow if you wish
Cancellation and Refund Policy
- There are no refunds to these events.
- Cancellation and rescheduling to another session must be made by email or text 5 days before the event.
- No turn up, rescheduling or cancellation after the 5 days above are debit the cost of the event.
- If the event is cancelled due to situations outside of our control we will reschedule to a future date and time.
- If you are unable to attend the new timeline we will reimburse your payment in full.
Dress Mode and what to bring for in-person attendance
The venue has central air-conditioning bud do dress comfortably as it is not always convenient to meet everyone's needs.
Venue and Parking
Our events are held at Sage Tree, 36 Gibbs Road, Nowergup a homestead settled on 12 acres of bushland. Drive down to the house. You will see a carpark and large cream sheds on your left. If carpark is full please part on the grass before the cream sheds. Walk down to the house and continue down the left side, you will see a sandwich board with Monad Centre pointing you to the Banksia Room where we are.
All healing processes offered at the Monad Centre should not replace any existing medical treatments or medications. They are supportive and complementary to the overall management of health and wellness. You should seek professional medical advice if ailments persist.