“The greatest mistake in the treatment of disease is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated.” Plato
Series 1 - Integration of Reiki, Pranic Healing with Flower Essence, Crystals, Essential Oils and Sound Workshop
What is Magnetic Energy Healing?
Magnetic Energy Healing is a conscious and love heart alignment with Source creating a conduit for Divine healing lifeforce to flow from the healer to a person or group receiving the healing. This process creates a magnetic field of light and loving energy around a Healer connecting to its Higher Soul. This union brings pure loving energy through a Healer's hands to heal and light through a Healer's Aura radiating energy to others to raise their vibration quickening the healing, clearing and recharging process. It is the loving frequency that rebalances and harmonizes distorted energy flows affecting mental emotional physical and spiritual ailments and disconnection. Loving energy ensures the healing is flowing from a Higher Source rather that from the Therapist. The latter is the main reason why Energy Therapists feel tired and depleted as they are not drawing from the Eternal Source of healing energy. If you are transmitting healing energy from your Higher Source it will heal others as well as maintaining your wellbeing and energy levels. From our experience through the methods you will learn today is we are very energise after a healing day with clients that we include a nature walk or garden time out to ground ourselves.
SERIES 1 - Integration of Pranic, Reiki, Flower/Crystal Essence, Crystal layout, Essential Oil and Sound
Series 1 combines ancient wisdom and processes to integrate existing healing methods and techniques of Reiki and Pranic to experience their complimentary qualities. You will learn techniques of blending in the layers of energy of subtle Flower and Crystal Essences, a simple crystal layout and sounds and essential oils creating a multi-dimensional experience of energy healing. The subtle energies of flowers and crystals assists in opening the intuition, knowing and inner insights to seeing and receiving your own inner guidance. This is evident in our own practice and that of Therapists who have completed and enjoying the expansion of their abilities during community group healings we co-facilitate together at the Centre. There is no client energy transference as you work in the energy of your Higher Soul who regulates the energy flow ensuring you maintain your own energy integrity.
The attunement of the heart and mind alignment with Higher Source is an essential component of the Program. The clearer and open the channel the more efficient the healing and less taxing the process on the Healers. The enormous benefit of attunement during a therapy is both the Healer and the receiver are healed together as they are held in the Divine lifeforce healing through them. This expands a Healer's capacity to receive various degree of subtle life-force during therapy. Learning to trust, let go and step aside for your Higher Source to conduct a healing is a a process in itself that is refine during practice and accelerated especially through group healing sessions with the power of group energy.
During this Series you will experience healing in a group formation as you join as one to transmit healing to a group of people. Healing in a group formation is a accelerator to all Healer's involved in the process and the healing is deeper for those who receive it. It opens you to experience depths of life-force who would not always be able to channel on your own but can do so when you join your energy with others forming a more powerful conduit for transmission.
The general feedback from the community experiencing Energy Healing through Therapists who have completed Series 1 is they experience depths of wholeness and integration of who they are that last for days. For others its a life changing experience as the wisdom they receive during or after a healing changes their perspective of life situation or themselves.
Is there a science to Energy Healing?
It is now more widely accepted and scientifically proven that our thoughts and feelings are energy and their quality affects who we are, our health and lifestyle. Quantum Physics, a new science of this age has proven that everything is energy and that we affect that energy with our thoughts and feelings. This confirms the teachings and writings of ancient wisdom that is the foundation of many Energy Healing practice. This awareness leads to the fact that healing has to begin with the Energy Bodies and Chakra Centres that control the flow of Life Force to the physical body and effects our emotions and mental wellbeing. Energy healing effects healing more rapidly with its focus on the cause that is the condition of the energy, opening bodies its flow and charging its energetic particles accelerating cellular repair, growth and health .
As Healers evolve spiritually and become more align with their Higher dimensional self, less tools, techniques and processes are needed. Their ability to stream through finer light energies accelerates the healing processes of people and reduces healing time. Energy Healers that are align on a heart level become finer conduits of their Higher Source Energies impacting healing on a deeper level. They work intuitively with an inner sense of knowing and allowing the Higher Source to service the needs of others. This also takes Energy Healing to the next level that you will experience in the Program that is how you can heal a group of people as opposed to traditional one on one therapies.
New energy healing practices are steadily increasing providing a diversity of Energy modalities. While they are known by various names essentially they all do the same thing, that is to clear, heal and rebalance energy that affects the health and wellbeing of life at the physical level.
The Series 1 Program combines theory and practice with products and tools that are easily integrated into your own unique healing modalities. The practical instills all you learn into experiencing it directly so you have the confidence of application knowing it works. A PowerPoint will guide the program on the day that you will receive after to build your reference library of Series you attend.
- Meditative process of activating intuition and heart resonance of loving kindness to align with Source in a group formation to enhance the loving energy flow.
- Invocation and protection preparing the space and vibration of connectivity between the healer, Source and the receiver of the healing
Activating Palm Chakras, feeling and growing the energy flowing through the hands
- Exploring the Aura Light Radiation healing method of the Higher Soul
- Exploring the Loving Hands Magnetism method of the Higher Soul
- Exploring simple methods of blending Pranic and Reiki techniques, healing from the Etheric Body towards the Physical Body
- Introduction to specific Flower and Crystal Essence and their healing qualities
- Applying Serenity Blend to acu-point to ease off the "Flight or Fight" putting client into relaxation and receptivity to the healing
- Experience the healing energy of the Peaceful Mind and Loving Flow Flower/Crystal Essence Blends and body layout
- Learning about the healing qualities of specific crystals chosen for body layout to balance and harmonise the Charkras and Etheric Body
- Introducing simple sound to expand and ground the energy flow
- Sweeping the Etheric or Aura with a grounding or uplifting essential oil
- Application of a grounding Flower Essence to integrate the consciousness and energy back into the body
- Demonstrate how to put all the layers of healing methods above into an Energy Healing Therapy
- Practical - Pair up and apply all that you have learnt to experience the effect
- Questions and Answers
- Invitation to practice by gifting your healing to the community through the Divine Energy Group Healing that run every fortnight. An opportunity to grow and expand your Energy Healing modality working with a group of Energy Healers including ourselves.
On completing the Series there are 4 practical sessions held on Saturdays from 11.30-12.45pm you can attend to instill your learning. This provides 2 healers practicing sessions, where you practice on each other and give feedback, 2 community group healings where you can give healing to others and receive feedback.
Your Healing Pack consist of:
- Peaceful Mind Blend - integrating consciousness to presence and inner peace
- Loving Flow Blend - for clearing and opening heart loving kindness
- 1x15ml The WA Smoke-bush grounding energy into the body
- Serenity Blend for calming Flight or Fight easing into relaxation and receptivity to healing
- Chakra Crystal Layout (new 5D simplified version)
- Selenite Wand
- Clear Quartz
- Amethyst
- Rose Quartz
- Tourmaline
Meet your facilitators
Iva and Neil Parker-Puie - I am a government accredited qualified Holistic Counsellor, Mind Body Medicine specialising in Flower Essence Diagnostic Therapy, Associate Certified Pranic Healer, Cert I and II in Reiki, a Peter Hess Sound Healer and an Intuitive Crystal Healer. Neil is a qualified Associate Certified Pranic Healer and Cert IV Therapeutic Masseur - Specializing in Flower Essence Therapy. We are Meditation Teachers registered with the Meditation Association of Australia. We have been facilitating group Meditation and Mindfulness Classes and Events for healing and evolving a conscious loving community for 8 years.
In my 8 years as a practitioner, I have evolved all these modalities into a multi-layer process blending them to meet the multi-dimensional needs of people. I was born with telepathic, heighten sensitivity and insightful vision and through these abilities I have learnt with guidance the methods and techniques that are shared through this Program. I have also noticed my healing abilities have become more simplified as the Higher Source flows more clear in transmissions there is less need of tools and processes used in the past. I accept this as a natural progression of Energy evolution. I have experienced great joy in the results of these dimensional healing in deepening peaceful states, easing symptoms of stress, worries, depressions and anxiety in people. I've felt the emotional, body pains and discomforts of people ease into an expansive, relaxing, calm flow that brings them to a wholeness of wellbeing. Energy Healing is an expression of my Soul's natural abilities, gifts and purpose. It is a deep passion I enjoy exploring and evolving processes and techniques increasing its health benefits for the wellness of others.
Denise Marcus - I am qualified in many areas of Art. I hold a BA in Fine Arts, Diploma in Commercial Art and Certified in Counselling, Mind Body Medicine and Assessment Training. I am a Specialist Art Teacher for over 15 years working with 7-12 year old. As an Art and Craft Teacher I taught in lower and upper schools with international students and refugees. I have a wide field of experience and understanding of art mediums and now moving into a new creative flow of introducing my passion of Art in a Soulful play into the adult world.
I am a certified Pranic Healer and Practitioner in Bush Flower Essence that are entwine in all forms of art I teach and do for my own joy of creativity. As an intuitive Healer I feel the flow of energies in others and have a natural connectivity to nature medicine and my inner Source that I open to allowing the Higher Healing energies to service the needs of others.
‘In my workshops it is an honour to guide and hold the artistic space for others to be creative".
Supporting mediums from clay to paint, drawing or collage, pastels, printing and textiles.’ You are only limited by your mind. I offer you a space to be in touch again with your imagination and creativity. Art is a Meditation & Mindful medicine for the Mind-Body-Spirit.
To book go to Series 1, Integration of Reiki, Pranic, Flowers, Crystals and Sound Healing Workshop
FLASH SALE 20% off Series 1 or 15% off Series 1 & 2
Registration includes a light vegetarian lunch and afternoon tea.
What to bring
- A massage table if you have one, a cushion and towels to set up for the practical application. If you don't have one let us know so we can ensure there is enough tables to share as you pair up.
- Water bottle
- Socks to keep feet warm as we leave shoes outside the space
- notebook and pen
- Event reservations are non-transferable to another person.
- Cancellation or changes must reach us 2 weeks before your registered date to receive a reimbursement or credit to a future event that suits you.
- No refund is available after the 2 weeks before an event.
In the likelihood of a cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances
- The event will be postpone to a future date and time that is safe to continue the program.
- If the venue is changed due to unforeseen circumstances we will advise you as soon as possible.
Venue and Parking
Our events are held at Sage Tree, 36 Gibbs Road, Nowergup a homestead settled on 12 acres of bushland. Drive down to the house, your see a carpark and large cream sheds on your left. If carpark is full please part on the grass before the cream sheds. Walk down to the house and continue down the left side, your see a sandwich board with Monad Centre pointing you to the Banksia Room where your find us.
All healing processes offered at the Monad Centre should not replace any existing medical treatments or medications. They are supportive and complementary to the overall management of health and wellness. You should seek professional medical advice if ailments persist.