We are living during two major Cosmic Cycles collisions. The Piscean Cycle of masculine authority, materialism, individual focus now fading out of circulation. This Water element Age has seen emotional turbulence expressed in wars, religion, and the drive for wealth at the expense of planetary, abuse and devaluing of life that has been so evident in human relationship and global destructions of nature’s natural resources and the mass extinction of species. This emotional astral reactive energy is felt in its controlling authoritarian state today as our whole way of life has been reshaped by the constant changes and restrictions placed on the freedom of our interactions and movement.
The Age of Aquarius and its Feminine and Air qualities is partly the driving force that is now breaking down the qualities of the Piscean Age as it expresses itself through the Loving, enlightened nature of Soul that is the quality of the Air sign of Higher Mind. This Age is restoring the balance of duality in aligning heart and mind to a conscious loving level of awareness in the mass affecting changes with individual to family, community, and global relationships. The hall mark of this Age is the Unity of working together, the Oneness connection of the Race and the birthing of a Higher evolved humanity. Spiritual education and awareness are expanding in the technological quality of its time and new Science validating the nature of Spiritual force, energy of that unseen world of mysticism.
This Series shares some insight on the purpose of these Cycles their convergence and their affect in the merging and evolving of relationships………..
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