Soul Astrology is a new science that is growing in the Aquarian Age as we evolve into our Infinite state of God-Self. It is the study of the exchange of divine Life Force and its relationship as it expresses through the form worlds. It is also the study of the Source of what is appearing in the outer world as the effect. For example, the Soul is the Divine Life expressing its life through the human life so its energy presence can be seen, experienced, know and understood physically through experience. As we come to know the Soul life we have an expansive understanding of the purpose of the human life and its relationship to the purpose of the Soul.
In our time many new science will come into existence as we evolve as a Soul race. These Science will educate the mass and evolve consciousness into the Enlightened Age of Aquarius. The new Science will expand what we know of our Spiritual nature as Science itself is the study of the Unknown in its spiritual nature. Science is already showing this quality today with the study of the nature of quantum physics, energy, the mind and consciousness.
Some of the new Science that will expand the Astrology of the God-Self are:
- The Science of the 7 Rays of Consciousness that effects the quality of the inner and outer life of Spirit
- The Science of the Chakra Centres of Consciousness that regulate the in and out flow of the life of Spirit
- The Science of the Light Body, the Vehicle of Ascension
- The Science of the Sacred Geometries