This theme is the Universal Hot Topic that is broadcasting through the Cosmic dimensions as the focus on Soul service at this Universal time of Cosmic Shift is now needed to close the Era of Darkness and open the Era of Light. The Shift we are moving through is a natural Comic alignment occurring bringing in a new rhythm, new cycle, new consciousness, and heart connection. We are moving from 3 to 5 dimensions from mind to heart awareness in unity.
If you were born aware you were Soul or Spirit then Self-Love is the difference you are here to make in your Soul journey and the service you render in the World today. For those waking up spiritually, this is also the service you are waking up to do for yourself. You carry the blueprint of the Soul conscious loving heart awareness that continued to grow in you. This drew us together into groups and friendships around the planet transforming people around us and now this is happening globally on mass under the current global changes in the last 2 years to accelerate this transition. This is the difference we came to make from within our own self-healing and restoration to create this new world and new Soul race. It is a grand plan unfolding….
So, what is Self-Love? It has a different meaning for all. Self-love is loving all of you with acceptance and appreciation in action.
So, to find out how to begin this final service you render yourself and this world and how to apply this remedy in daily living. Tune in and enjoy…..