Our topic is a very relevant service of Self-Love to lay to rest during this major Spiritual Awakening process we are moving through. Judgement is a major hurdle to Self-Love and a disempowering mindset inherent in human needy fear-base relationships that no longer serve us.
Based on the human experience of love, we are condition to look to others to fulfil this need, to find security in things we own, to raising our status in life with career advancement to financial wealth and so on.
Judgement is disempowering who we are when we are not sure or grounded in our own true Self. We look to others to give us that security and validation of our ego base identity, worth, value, importance, purpose, success, credibility, unique and goodness to name a few.
This need creates unhealthy co-dependent relationships that:
- Rely on the advice and guidance of others over our own inner wisdom, intelligence, and guidance and life experience
- Our worth see-saws according to what others say about us
- Our value is determined by how others value what we do, say or achieve or not achieve
- As our need to fit, to be accepted, to be liked, loved and value becomes our drive-in relationships we don’t set boundaries for fear of cutting off this essential supply that gives meaning and purpose to our lives
- Comparing ourselves to others is a judgement of not being good enough
The judgement of others is all about them. It comes from their conditioning, their life experiences, beliefs, culture, religion, education etc. If you judge others, look closely if that judgement is not hiding somewhere in your narratives and stories you tell as this affects you and what you attract.
Self-Love is the end of judgement, as love restores the Core of who you are as a Spiritual Being that is independent, self-sufficient, and self-directed. This Self-awareness frees you from external needs and validation as you find stability in your infinite inner power, worth and value the foundation of your authentic Self. This heals and builds healthy relationships that are independent and equal in the giving and sharing of each other.