“All medicine is essentially energy medicine, for energy composes the world. And it is important to remember that all known and observable medical phenomena once dwelled in the subtle, or immeasurable, realms. ....”
Cyndi Dale
Energy Healing Therapy Perth
Integrating intuitive Pranic, Reiki and Spiritual healing with flower essence, crystal laying and sound body balance therapy
Energy healing is an ancient art of healing known by many names and practiced by many cultures. Some of the more common therapies today are the laying of hands, Pranic, Reiki , EFT, Acupuncture, Spiritual Healing or Qigong. The energy healing you will experience is an intuitive blend or all of Pranic, Reiki, Spiritual healing. Flower essence, Bush Remedy of Australia and the ancient art of crystal laying provides another energetic healing layer to the mind-body system. Sound therapy is integrated at the end of healings to re-balance the Qi or Energy flow of the body's meridian system, chakra centres and auric field.
The body is powered by a system of processes fed by spiritual energy or vital force. Energies is the creator of everything we experience in life. When these energies are negative they undermine the whole system of well-being. A negative thought generates a negative energy drawing to it a negative emotion creating a force field that physicalises the nature of that energy as life experience. When this becomes a habitual behavior it can affect many systems that support your well-being. The fact that everything is energy has now been proven scientifically by specific fields of science such as Quantum Physics and Neuroscience.
During a consultation we gather information from you to better understand your world and what you are a seeking in the healing. The healing normally requires you to lie down on a massage table fully clothe and relax while your therapist scans your energy body and works with clearing and revitilising the energy body that supports all functions and well-being of your system. The therapist works with energy that is all around us known as Chi, Prana or spiritual energy drawing this life force into the body to energise or clear energy blocks she intuitively feels as she scans and touches various part of the body.
Flower Essence and crystals are laid on or around the body to add another layer of healing. Generally Flower Essence rebalances psychological or emotional blockages creating a release of energy in the body that is mirroring the effect of these negative energies. Crystals release block energies and clear the flow of the meridian and chakra systems, at the cellular level and auric body. The use of these ancient natural medicines during a therapy deepens the healing process providing insights and greater awareness to the multi-layers of issues and causes impacting your life.
Body Balance incorporates the use of the high frequency of 7 Crystal Bowls and the Peter Hess Singing Bowls to re-attune the energy centres and the whole body's vibration. These instruments are played on or around the body to re-celebrate its frequency. Sound therapy helps to facilitate shifts in the brainwave state using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes the fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. By using rhythm and frequency, we can entrain our brainwaves and it then becomes possible to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur).
Generally people experience various degree of calm, peace, relaxation, reduction or release of anxiety, fear, worry or emotional and psychological issues. These have a natural flow on effect in calming and healing the body that is directly affected by all these conditions.
It is advisable that you plan a less active day when you book an energy therapy as these treatments continue to affect healing for some throughout the day and others over a period of days. This will allow you to maximise the benefit of your healing session.
To book a therapy click Energy Healing Therapy.
75 minutes Energy Healing $160
3 x 75 minutes Self-care Pack $480 - 10% off $432 (save $48)
60 minutes Energy Healing $140
3 x 60 minutes Self-care Pack $420 - 10% off $378 (save $42)
Cancellation or Reschedule of Appointments
- Three Combination Selfcare Packs are valid for 6 months from date of purchase, non-transferable and non-refundable.
- If you are not able to attend a therapy we require 24 hour notice before your appointment to reschedule.
- There is no refund for no turn up or cancellation after 24 hours of your appointment with the exception of Covid-19 outline above.
We comply with mandatory measures as they arise to Covid-19 for the safety of our community. We will update you as they occur. For now we ask that mindfulness of others when you attend a therapy is important. We respect your choice of wearing or not wearing a mask, vax or non-vax. Everyone is respected in our community, we look forward to serving your needs in a safe environment we take great care to provide.
If you are sick or have been in contact with Covid-19 please ensure your test is clear before coming in. Your therapy can be postponed to a later time when you are out of quarantine and clear of health.
Our therapy room is at Sage Tree, 36 Gibbs Road, Nowergup a homestead settled on 12 acres of bushland. Drive down to the house, your see a carpark and large cream sheds on your left. If carpark is full please part on the grass before the cream sheds. Your see the Monad Centre sandwich board in the carpark. Walk towards it and your find a gate behind the brick walk with stairs leading down to therapy room through a large white door as you come down the stairs.
All healing processes offered at the Monad Centre should not replace any existing medical treatments or medications. They are supportive and complementary to the overall management of health and wellness. You should seek professional medical advice if ailments persist.