Our Vision
To heal and evolve conscious enlighten loving relationships in our community through:
- Meditation and Mindfulness evolving healthy minds, loving hearts and spiritual well-being strengthening community togetherness
- Holistic Therapies empowering self awareness, self-love, selfcare, self-empowerment to living your Soul potential
- Group Events for personal and spiritual development expanding consciousness and loving heart awareness
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Our Centre is closed for Christmas, reopening 1 February 2025
Mindful Meditation class
Looking for a meditation group? Join us and enjoy a unique experience of authentic streaming of meditation and guidance from Source. Our classes have a warm welcoming family feel that has grown in over eight and a half years of practice. Join a Saturday 10 am class at Sage Tree, a rural setting at 36 Gibbs Road, Nowergup 10 minutes from the Joondalup CBD. Tuesday 6 pm is held at 3/48 Winton Road, Joondalup (our previous address). I am a qualified Meditation Teacher registered with the Meditation Association of Australia. To book in go to Book Services
Holistic Counselling Mind Body Medicine is a wholeness approach to mental health and well-being suitable for anyone seeking to understand issues impacting their lifestyle at the cause level. It is based on an understanding that “everything is connected” and ailments, psychological and emotional imbalances are no exception. Holistic Counselling Mind Body Medicine focuses on creating human and spiritual awareness essential to understanding the multiple layers of issues impacting well-being. To find out more and book go to Holistic Counselling
Energy Healing Therapy
Enjoy a deep nourishing that shakes and moves your energy layers into a natural flow of harmonious frequencies. Everything is energy and when our mind, emotion, physical waves are in sync with our Spiritual vibrations we experience the wholeness of wellbeing of mind, heart, body and Soul. To find out more and book your treat go to Energy Healing.
Our Services
Holistic Therapies

True and lasting healing is a "Mind" transformation process that effects healing by shifting one's consciousnesss from negative to positive mindsets. All our natural therapies integrate Spiritual psychology, natural medicine and principles of meditation and mindfulness to heal and expand the human mind to a holistic understanding of issues that impact and undermind its ability to live a healthy, wealthy, meaningful and evolving life. We empower others by guiding them out of limited ego base identification to seeing, being and living beyond the fear base conditioning of the mind. Education is a major part of evolving new mindsets and habits and this is the basis of our natural therapies that focuses on healing from the inside out.
Meditation & Mindfulness

These reflective practices reveal our nature, what we pay attention to and the effects of our attention. This awareness enables us to consciously choose where to direct our energy, time and resources to maximise the benefits of our creativity. Our meditation and mindfulness classes provide a nurturing space for you to explore these ancient mind transforming practices to retrain, refocus and evolve your mind to what is relevant and essential in your quest for balance, wellness and happiness. These ancient practices have an effect on developing positive mind states and habits supporting a healthy sustainable lifestyle from your Core of Self.
Wellness Events

The Wellness Events consist of Workshops and Retreats with a personal and spiritual development flavour merging human to spiritual awareness building and strengthen the “Core of Self” through self-mastery. During these events we share ancient wisdom adapted to modern living and application. You will explore new ideas, new views, new concepts and the sharing of life skills building the Core of Self expanding self awareness and by connecting you to your own universal reservior of wisdom.
We also offer Wellness activities complementing a holistic approach to Wellbeing such as Tai Chi, Yoga, Soul Creative Art and Yin Yang Flowform
Therapists and Facilitators
Iva Parker-Puie
Co-Founder, Holistic Counsellor, Spiritual Mentor & Mind Body Medicine Consultant, Flower Essence Diagnostic Therapist; Energy Healing Therapist; Sound Healing Therapist and Facilitator of Meditation & Mindfulness Workshops and Group Classes, Personal and Spiritual Evolving Events & Retreats.
My love of natural therapy and nature medicine is in my genes being the conventional medicine of Samoa my birthplace. My Great Aunt was the medicine woman of my village. I am continuing this ancient art of natural healing merging with qualifications in specific alternative modalities outlined below. I have over 40 years of spiritual knowledge, wisdom, life-skills and techniques gathered from inner studies of the Self and connectivity with my Higher Self and Spiritual Guides.
I acquired Government accredited qualifications in Holistic Counselling & Mind Body Medicine, Therapeutic Massage, Specialist in Flower Essence Diagnostic Therapy from the Life Academy of Australia. Associate Certified Pranic Healer from the Institute of Inner Studies Inc; Certification in Relationship & Conflict Resolution, Abuse and Abuse Trauma from the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors; Peter Hess Sound Massage, Facilitator of Meditation and self development activities, Diploma of Business, Administration & Office Systems, TAFE. To add depth and holism to my formal qualifications I draw on over 40 years of spiritual study, practices and techniques, life skills and techniques gathered on my inner path to “Self Realisation” and a life long love of meditation and mindfulness in daily living. A spiritual view of life enables us to put into context the experience of human life into a universal plan providing clarity of the wholeness of situations as opposed to the fragmented conditions of the mind.
Registered Teacher of Meditation and Mindfulness with
Neil Parker-Puie
Co-Founder, Therapeutic Masseur - Specializing in Flower Essence Therapy; Facilitator of Personal and Spiritual Evolving Events
I have a natural love and enjoyment of group interaction that I actively pursued in sports activities from rugby league, surf lifesaving, basketball, swimming, archery and competitive ballroom dancing. In my teens I started a training program to develop strength and fitness. My all round experiences in these areas led to sports coaching at various times. This was further substantiated with the acquiring of a formal qualification as a sports trainer with knowledge of nutrition, recovery and injury processes.
When my partner Iva wanted a body to practice her massage on I found the experience so amazing the flowers had such a subtle way of easing away aches and pain leaving me calm with an over all feeling of wellbeing. I decided to go and learn it myself and make that transition with her into the Wellness industry that has always been my passion. Massage has been a health care routine I've used throughout my sporting life to maintain muscle recovery to enjoy my passion of sports so it was a natural direction to move into for me.